Answered By: Clay Howard
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2021     Views: 666

Databases and Articles

A small number of database vendors do allow EKU Libraries to extend access to EKU Alumni. Visit our Resources for Alumni guide to see the full list of resources available post graduation and, if needed, create an account.

Important! We are not able to extend access to many of our databases to EKU Alumni due to restrictions from our vendors. Please see the Resources for Alumni guide for the list of resources we are able to offer. These are the publishers who allow us to provide access to alumni.

Alumni needing resources beyond what we can offer through the guide, are encouraged to access article and other online databases through their local public libraries. With a library card, you can obtain a password that will let you search your public library's databases from anywhere. 

Kentucky public libraries, and therefore all Kentucky residents, have access to article and other online databases thanks to the Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL). Several EBSCOHost and ProQuest databases are available, including Academic Search Complete, Career and Technical Education, CINAHL, ERIC, LearningExpress Library, PsycINFO and more. 

Books and DVDs

EKU Alumni can borrow books using an EKU Library card. DVDs are only available for current EKU students, faculty, and staff. For more details, visit our EKU Alumni Borrowing page.