Answered By: Trenia Napier
Last Updated: May 05, 2023     Views: 518

*If we are offline, please visit our library help desk to ask for help with any noise or behavior issues or to make a noise complaint. You can also call 859-622-1790. We do not receive email or chat notifications when the online chat service is offline.


Need a quiet place to study? Visit the 4th floor of the Main Library for enforced quiet study.

On the 4th floor silent study you will find:

Some tips:

  • temperatures vary significantly on the 4th floor - dressing in layers is recommended
  • if all the desktops are in use, try checking out a laptop from the help desk and finding a good spot on the 4th floor if you need a quiet place to do computer work
  • Forgot your earbuds? Over-the-ear headphones are available for checkout at the help desk


And don't forget that the 4th Floor of the Main Library is always quiet! If someone is talking, playing music, etc. don't hesitate to ask them to observe silent study or to relocate to another floor of the library that will better suit their needs.

Don't feel comfortable doing that? Then make a noise complaint by letting us know via chat when we are online* or by visiting us at the desk (whenever the Main Library is open), and we'll be happy to have those conversations asking others to observe quiet study on the 4th floor.

We do try to make regular rounds of the library building, but don't hesitate to let us know at the library Help Desk if there is an noise or behavior issue that needs to be addressed.


*If we are offline, please visit our library help desk to ask for help with any noise or behavior issues or to make a noise complaint. You can also call 859-622-1790. We do not receive email or chat notifications when the online chat service is offline.