Answered By: Sarah Fisher
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2024     Views: 1817

For more detailed instructions on where and how to search for Nursing qualitative research articles, please see our Nursing Research Guide: Searching for Qualitative Studies


Qualitative research can be found in numerous databases; CINAHL, MEDLine, APA PsychInfo, and/or PubMed are great starting points for finding qualitative research in Nursing.

CINAHL and/or MEDLine

  1. Start at the Advanced Search screen.
  2. Add a search term that represents the topic you are interested in into one (or more) of the search boxes.
  3. Scroll down until you see the Limit your Results section.
  4. Use the Clinical Queries menu to select one or more of the following:
    • Qualitative - High Sensitivity (broadest category/broad search)
    • Qualitative - High Specificity (narrowest category/specific search)
    • Qualitative - Best Balance (somewhere in between)
  5. Select or click the search button.


  1. Start at the Advanced Search screen.
  2. Add a search term that represents the topic you are interested in into one (or more) of the search boxes.
  3. Scroll down until you see the Limit your results section.
  4. Use the Methodology menu to select Qualitative.
  5. Select or click the search button.


  1. Start at the Advanced Search screen.
  2. Add a search term that represents the topic you are interested in into one (or more) of the search boxes.
  3. Use the drop-down menu next the Enter search term box to set the search to MeSH Terms
  4. Search for the MeSH Terms (one at at time or combine using the Boolean operator OR):
    • Qualitative Research
    • Nursing Methodology Research
  5. Select or click the search button.