Answered By: Nicole Montgomery
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2023     Views: 2858

The library database Techstreet contains several ANSI, ISO, ASSE, BSO, ASME, and ASTM standards. This is where you will locate the following heavily used industry standards:

  • ISO 45001
  • ANSI Z10

We do NOT have all the standards possible; only a small collection of key standards as requested by faculty.


Important: In order to view the documents downloaded from the Techstreet database, you must use Adobe Acrobat Reader and download and install the FileOpen plugin. This will likely require restarting your computer and adjusting some settings in your web browser. Firefox or Chrome browsers recommended. We encourage you to click on this link to test if your machine is correctly configured to view secure PDFs.


Covered in this FAQ:

  1. Accessing the Techstreet database to view and download industry standards
  2. Installing and troubleshooting the FileOpen plugin
  3. Navigating to the needed standard document within Techstreet
  4. Use the View Online option to view the standard without any special downloads required!
  5. Standard not available?
  6. For Faculty and Course Instructors

Accessing the Techstreet database


Click on the Online Resources link on the library homepage. 

Library homepage with arrow pointing the the Online Resources link


Then click on the letter T.


Databases A-Z page with letter T at top circled


Then click on Techstreet to log into the database. 


A-Z list of T databases with title of Techstreet circled


You *might* then be prompted to log in through the EKU Microsoft Azure single-sign on.

EKU Azure Single-Sign on Login in with picture of Daniel Boone statue in backbround


EKU Microsoft Azure examples:

  • Student (
  • Faculty/Staff ( )

Your password is the same across all Azure logins.


If you don't see this screen and are taken directly into the Techstreet database, that's great! That just means you were already logged in with your Azure login. So, awesome!


Installing and troubleshooting the FileOpen plugin


Step One: Please click on this link to test if your machine is correctly configured to view secure PDFs.

Did it work?

Yes! You are all set and ready to download your needed standard documents.

No? Then go to step Two.


Step Two: You must download the Adobe FileOpen plugin to be able to open and read standards documents downloaded from Techstreet.

If you do not download and install FileOpen, the PDF documents will be blank.

There is a link available here or on the Techstreet homepage.

Techstreet homepage with link to Install FileOpen highlighted


After installing, a computer restart is recommended. Firefox and Chrome browsers are recommended.

Did it work?

Yes! You are all set and ready to download your needed standard documents.

No? Then go to step Three.


Step Three: Further Troubleshooting Steps


Try right clicking on the document, download it, then opening it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.


You will also likely need to configure your browser to use Adobe Reader rather than its built-in PDF reader. Here are instructions on how to do that:



Are you getting the below message?

Error message that reads "Failed to load PDF document"

If you encounter this error message:

  • you likely need to either reinstall the FileOpen plugin or
  • configure your browser to use Adobe Reader rather than its built-in PDF reader or
  • you clicked to download the epub or mobi file and not the pdf file (see below)


Techstreet offers several help pages on FileOpen:



Did it work?

Yes! You are all set and ready to download your needed standard documents.

No? Please contact Techstreet for further troubleshooting help with Secured PDFs.


Navigating to the needed standard document in Techstreet


Techstreet starting screen


There are several different ways you can easily access the standards available through our Techstreet subscription.


On the Techstreet home page, we recommend scrolling down just a bit and scanning the Popular Documents section on the right side of the screen to see if your needed industry standard is listed there.

Techstreet home screen with Popular Documents area on the right highlighted



Or try searching for the specific standard in the search box located at the top of the screen.

Techstreet homepage with search box at the top highlighted wtih Z10 typed into the box


To see a full list of the industry standards available in our Techstreet subscription, start by clicking on View Subscription Details located on the left side of the screen.

Techstreet homepage with View subscription details on the left highlighted


Then click on the View all products link located on the left side of the screen to view all industry standards available in our subscription.


View all products link highlighted


When you download the document, be sure to download the PDF file and not the others. Click on the Download button to download the PDF document.


z10 document detials in Techstreet database





Or choose the View Online option to view the standard document in your HTML browser through Techstreet's document viewer. This should work without any special download's required!!


Z10 Techstreet document details view





Standard not available?

First, don't forget that EKU Libraries also subscribes to the National Fire Codes Online database. If you need an NFPA Code, you will use that database to access those specific fire industry codes.

If you need a standard that is NOT available in Techstreet or the National Fire Codes Online database,  EKU faculty, staff and students can login to your Library Express account and submit a Request for a the specific standard.


While a few standards are held by other libraries in print, most standards have to be purchased. As most standards cost more than $50, and are often several hundred dollars each, this is more than what the library can subsidize to cover the purchase of individual standards for most standards requests.


We will sometimes purchase standards to be added to the Techstreet database collection if there is merit in our having a local copy that will be used in the future when they meet curricula needs. Please contact your library liaison or utilize the Comments section when requesting standards that meet course curricula needs.


Login to your Library Express account and submit a request for a the specific standard.  To manually create a new request for an article, book, or book chapter, click on the Requests tab.


My checkouts Requests tab highlighted


Then click on the Create Request button.


Requests Tab page


Then click on the Book/DVD/Other tab.


Book/DVD/Other tab in MyCheckouts portal


Comments Field

Please give use details in the comments field. Where did you find out about this standard? Why do you need it? How will you be using it?


Expect to be contacted by our Library Express office by email for follow-up and more details as needed. With most requests, we will most likely be unable to fulfill your individual request for a standard due to the significant costs of these items.


For Faculty and Course Instructors

Some standards bodies can provide complimentary access for students and faculty to selected standards. Most require an instructor request for a specific standard for use in a specific course.

Learn more:


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